Since the turn of the century wallpaper has enjoyed renewed interest and that trend shows no signs of letting up anytime soon. It’s easy to see why. Wallpaper comes in such a diverse range of patterns, colours and textures that it’s difficult to imagine a home where it couldn’t make an aesthetic contribution. Not only is wallpaper versatile and adaptable it’s also affordable. You can often cover an entire wall with a single roll and in the process turn your average room into a showroom. As the wallpaper trend continues to play itself out homeowners and decorators are getting more adventurous as well producing results that engage the eye and captivate the mind. In this post we’re going to look at the secret weapon of the interior decorator: wallpaper.
The Interior Decorator and Wallpaper
Most people think of wallpaper in the context of the full room renovations etc. They’re right about that of course but as any skilled interior decorator knows the many faces of wallpaper can be put to use in a number of ways and not all of them will necessarily have to do with covering entire walls. Here are a few ways an interior decorator may use wallpaper to enhance a decor:
- Cover Imperfections: For centuries wallpaper has been used to smooth out the bumps and cover small cracks in old plaster walls and few things do a better job. Why pay to have the walls glazed or have old walls replaced in your Burlington or Hamilton home when a little wallpaper will turn them into something entirely new and leave nary a trace of the old imperfections?
- Bring Life to Forgotten Areas: There a lots of small, typically forgotten areas in a home that wallpaper can bring to life. The back of the cupboard, a breakfast nook and the back wall of a closet are all examples of under-considered spaces that could benefit from wallpaper. And, as long as we’re exploring possibilities, what about the ceiling? The results could be amazing.
- Create a Headboard: Wallpaper can be used to create a headboard when none is available or the real thing might be too much in a confined area or you simply don’t feel like shelling out for one. Use a piece of leftover wallpaper from another application as a unifying element or use two different papers to create a diamond or stripe pattern for added interest.
- Create Custom Coverings for Switch Plates: Switch plates are ubiquitous in the home and yet rarely receive the kind of attention they should get. Why resign yourself to having the same white switch plates in your home everyone else has? Cover your plates with wallpaper and watch this tiny design touch activate an entire room.
- Breathe New Life into Old Furnishings: Old tables, bookcases and even chairs can benefit from being partially wrapped in an interesting piece of wallpaper. Old table tops can be papered and then covered in glass, old chairs can have their seats papered, old bookcases their backdrops. When you think of wallpaper the same way you do paint the expressive possibilities become endless.
Wallpaper is the best friend, trusted ally and secret weapon of the interior decorator all rolled into one (so to speak). Beautiful, versatile, engaging, colourful and adaptable to just about any task it should never be overlooked as a potential solution to any type of design or decoration issue around the house. To add an interesting focal point or counterpoint or discrete aesthetic touch to a room in your Hamilton or Burlington home don’t assume you need to go out and buy an art object, use wallpaper instead.